Welcome to EverSecure.net

Life is spooky! Behind the bright pixels and emoticons of the internet are a millions of clever individuals trying to compromise your assets to achieve their own ends.

Secure Your Systems

Walls and motes look cool now that the dragons are all slain, but they were put there to defend assets (women, children, gold, etc...). Don't build a network without walls and motes.

Secure Your Work

We have to produce, that's a given. And despite the myths, we don't want to unplug the internet to achieve ultimate security. But the code we write, and mediums through which we communicate, can be more secure.

Secure Your Life

Two words: Information leakage. Do the social engineers a favor: Augment the family stick figure stickers on the back of your car with the names and SS#'s of your family. Then leave your cell unlocked on a table at parties. (not really)

Who We Are

Normal folks, just like you.

We are normal folks who work all day, chauffeur our kids around, and share stuff on the internet. We just do it securely. EverSecure engineers have decades of experience securing systems, large and small. We cover all the major food groups (Linux, Mac and Windows) and can effectively interface with everyone from the CEO to the janitor.

What We Do

Apart from watching Sci Fi in our bomb shelters...

  • Security Audits/Pre-Audits
  • Security Training
  • System Rollouts
  • Penetration Testing
  • Forensics
  • IT/Networking

Industry Links

Proof that it's not all in our head.